ODTÜ - Öğretim Üyesi İlanı


Assistant Professor in Neurobiology at METU

The Department of Biological Sciences at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey is inviting applications for an Assistant Professor position in the field of neurobiology. We seek an individual with a PhD and postdoctoral training, an outstanding publication record, funding experience, and familiarity with animal models.

The successful applicant is expected to establish an independent research group in the Department, and will be responsible for procuring extramural funding. These include TUBITAK reintegration fellowships (2232), TUBITAK young investigator grants (3501), TUBITAK research grants (1001/1002), Marie Curie Reintegration Grants, EMBO Installation Grants, and ERC Starting Grants.

The candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate classes in physiology and neurobiology. Other duties include teaching graduate classes, and mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students. The medium of teaching in METU is English. 

The successful applicant will receive lab and office spaces, free access to the Department's common research infrastructure and the animal house, and will also be eligible for start-up funds from METU. Accommodation on campus is provided to eligible candidates.

The deadline for applications is January 30th, 2016. Selected applicants will be invited for a seminar in the period of 15th-28th February, 2016. Decision regarding the position is expected to be announced by late March. Applicants are expected to send a cover letter that includes (i) CV, (ii) publication record, (iii) a summary of research experience, (iv) a research and teaching statement, (v) full contact information for three references. For inquiries, please contact: Dr. Tulin Yanik (tyanik [at]

METU ( is a public university and one of the leading research and teaching institutions in Turkey. For further information regarding the Department of Biological Sciences, please visit 

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