Japan Neuroscience Society Travel Grant Applications

Japonya Sinirbilim Derneği tarafından 30 Haziran-3 Temmuz 2022 tarihleri arasında düzenlenecek NEURO 2022 kongresine katılmak üzere, Türkiye Beyin Araştırmaları ve Sinirbilimleri Derneği üyeleri seyahat desteği ve katılım ücreti muafiyeti için başvurabilirler. Seyahat bursu ve katılım ücreti muafiyeti gibi destekler değerlendirilirken, özellikle lisansüstü öğrenciler ile uzman ve doktora sonrası araştırmacılara öncelik tanınacağı belirtilmektedir.

We are writing to inform you that the NEURO2022, a joint conference of the Japan Neuroscience Society, the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry, and the Japanese Neural Networks Society, will be held in Okinawa, Japan from June 30th to July 3rd, 2022.

We offer Travel Awards to enthusiastic leading non-Japanese investigators traveling from abroad to present high quality research at the meeting. Applications of young principal investigators and senior postdoctoral fellows are especially encouraged.

Travel Award Guidelines for NEURO2022

NEURO2022 will be held in Okinawa, Japan from June 30th to July 3rd, 2022. The conference offers Travel Awards to enthusiastic, leading, non-Japanese neuroscientists traveling from abroad to present high-quality research at the meeting. Applications from Asian-Pacific countries are especially encouraged. The amount of the funding for travel will be between 40,000–150,000 JPY per award. The deadline of application is 5pm JST on December 6th, 2021.

-The annual meeting registration fee is waived for successful applicants.
-Recipients receive partial support for travel expenses (airfare from the recipient's country of residence to Japan, and domestic transportation fees in Japan).
-Accommodation will be provided for recipients from June 29th (check-in) to July 3rd, (check-out): four nights, single-room.

For more details, please see the website below.
NEURO2022 website:
About Travel Award: Travel Award Application:

NEURO2022 encourages participation of members from diverse backgrounds.
Kenji Doya,
President, the Annual Meeting for the Japan Neuroscience Society






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